Still hanging in here
Right now I'm fighting this strange mix of torture the PMS Bitch brewed up for me -- a combination of PMS munchies and lack of taste.
Now, under the best of circumstances -- when I am at my very strongest -- the PMS munchies have brought me down. But this lack of taste . . . that's the coup de grace.
I mean, I eat but never taste. So I keep wanting to eat until I get to something I can taste. Yesterday, I did okay. Today -- if I go to bed right now, I mean right this very second, I might end up okay, too.
But there's a bag of chips sitting on the counter -- and I KNOW I can taste the salt, damn it. And I have flexpoints. It wouldn't be illegal. Except . . .
Except, I know I'm not really hungry. I'm just munchie.
As they would tell you, "Now you know. And knowing's half the battle . . ."
And well, half the battle is nothing to sneeze at. Half the battle is nice.
But it's that other half that gets me . . .