The FABulous Wonderland
The FABulous Lee writes about finding time to get in the stuff we want and NEED to get in. The stuff that makes up our personal goals. She wants to increase her bike mileage and she talks about ferreting out the little opportunities -- the small blocks of time that you might normally overlook because they're just small blocks of time but that -- if utilized on a regular basis -- add up to something real.
Add up to what you want.
And because Great Minds Think Alike (Ha! Me & Lee! We're like this.) I was e-mailing with my writing friend Cindy about this very thing just yesterday!
See, one of my other writing friends, Jay, was trying to talk me into getting a PDA & portable keyboard. She was using hers for our weekly writing get togethers. When we were writing at someone else's house, I always took my alphasmart (lo-tech keyboard). The PDA keyboard looked flimsy and fragile and -- what did I need a PDA for? You can't get me away from my dayt1mer, yo. So when she would launch this campaign of hers, I would smile and nod and pay no attention.
But then, one night, I mentioned it to Scott and it turned out he had an old PDA that he wasn't using. So he dug it up, and we looked on That auction site for a portable keyboard and voila!, I was set up for nearly nothing.
That was several months ago. And while I would occasionally take the PDA & keyboard to our writing dates, it was mostly to amuse Jay. I still prefer my sturdy, trusty, alpha thing.
FF to this past week. I was scheduled to get together with my friend, Tee, on Wednesday night. Since she gets out of work later than I usually do, I had two options. I could go in to work later, and get out about the same time as she did. Or I could work my usual hours and just get to our meeting place early -- since it's got a nice big B&N; right there, I could happily spend an hour and a half. OR -- it suddenly hit me -- really, like a bolt out of the blue! I could throw my little PDA & keyboard into my backpack and find a spot at B&N; and USE that hour and a half.
Because, while I love my alpha thing, it's not the kind of thing you want to lug around all the time. But the PDA set up is much smaller and now -- after getting several pages done at B&N; on Wednesday, and a couple more on Thursday while waiting for Scott -- it's going to stay in my backpack all the time. Just in case.
And now I'm on the lookout for small blocks of time.
And yes -- this actually DOES tie in to weightloss, as well. Because, you see, I found a small block of time yesterday to get in some honest-to-goodness exercise. I walked to and from my WW meeting -- 8320 steps total on the pedometer, thank you. And what does my wondrous body do? (Like you even noticed or, if you noticed, remembered the damn title of this entry, right?) Aaaanyway . . . that would be W0nderland as in My B0dy Is because yes, you guessed it. I gained. I'm up today.
I laugh about it, but really, what else can I do?
But yes. I walked to my WW meeting yesterday and their Scalegod has me 3 pounds down from last week. WooHoo! Since I am less than diligent (*cough*) about getting to the meetings, I'm using MY Scalegod for my official weight. Unfortunately, I didn't see him last Sunday -- being so disheartened by the ungodly number I got at WW and then the meltdown of the Core . . . but I did remember to see him yesterday morning and I was at 184.8.
Exactly where I was on August 20th. But since I know what kind of debauchery went on between August 20th and last Sunday, I'm sure I had to lose at least 3 pounds to get back there.
And now I have 8 good days in a row behind me and today's looking pretty good, too.
In fact, Scott and I are planning to head out this afternoon to possibly purchase that treadmill I've been talking about for so long now. So today's looking very good indeed.